Thursday, 10 May 2012

Cleaning up the page!!!

Hi guys
    As you know my last post has taken up lots of space. So i decided to clean and maintain my blog. As blogger does not allow us to upload folders or files i have found out a way to bypass them. OK , its not really bypassing. i will change the extension of my programs into JPEG(pic file format) and upload it. when you download the file use the command prompt and convert it back to its original extension:
here's how to do it:
-download the file from my blog
-then save it to drive c (as its easier to access)
- open command prompt by typing in CMD in run in start menu
-change the directory in the prompt using CD command.Type in cd and the folders name in that drive(it must be c drive by default) as my explanation is not quite so well check out this site feel free to ask your doubts, even i didn't get it the first time)
-then once you have arrived inside the folder where you saved the downloaded file in the prompt, type in the following     ren  filename1 filename2
-here filename1 is the name of the file you downloaded WITH extension and filename2 is the name and extension to which you need to convert
- Voila!! you just converted a jpeg file to batch file and saved my space. So from now onwards , i will be giving you programs this way

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